Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Stress...From Different Points of View

I’ve always been told that stress is a bad thing, but I’ve never really let it get me down. I’ve never let stress hold me back. I believe that stress is necessary. It goes back to a life lesson: you can’t have the good without the bad. I strongly believe this is true, you need to have hardships to truly identify and appreciate all the good times. Stress is a hardship, but it’s one that you can’t really avoid. Everyone will face tough times and everyone will get stressed to the point of pulling their hair out. But if you learn to appreciate the good times a little more, it makes the times of extreme stress a lot easier to handle. Stress lights a fire inside my soul to make me work a little harder and push a little more. I think that if everyone were to view stress in a similar fashion, there would be a lot less of the typical stress related ailments like high blood pressure and heart attack. Stress can be negative but I think it’s only negative if you allow it to be. If you work really hard to enjoy and appreciate the little things that make life great, stress will be significantly less negative for you. It might seem kind of counterproductive to think of something like stress as a good thing, but apparently this line of thinking can actually save your life. The health psychologist found that stress, when thought about in a way that made it more positive, could actually lower your risk of dying in a stress related way. Something as simple as switching your brain from thinking of stress in a negative to a positive way could help you live just a little longer.

A major conflict I have is with my husband and it’s not a typical conflict, we are trying to have a baby. We are both all for it and both ready for it but it hasn’t been easy. We’ve been trying for about two years now and it just doesn’t get any easier. Every month, we think “oh, this is our month” and every month it isn’t. It gets to the point where we both want to give up but we haven’t. It’s very difficult holding out hope for something that just won’t happen. It’s very difficult listening to all of the “It will happen” “Just wait it out” people. Everyone seems to think that if we would quit stressing about it, it would just happen. But that’s not who we are. I wouldn’t even say that we stress about it, I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason, so our long wait has a purpose. The universe just hasn’t revealed that purpose to us yet. Neither of us will give up hope but it is a conflict. We don’t necessarily argue about it but it does create some tension between us. It’s mostly an inner conflict, I struggle with the fact that it might never happen. It becomes very difficult to see babies or anything baby related.

I am the struggle of trying to conceive. I make good people wait too long to have something they’ve waited their whole life for. I love to watch the faces of people who have gotten so excited fall so rapidly when they realize it just hasn’t happened yet. It’s not always my fault, sometimes it’s something they are doing wrong. Sometimes, I just like to play around with them like puppets on a string. My favorite thing to do is give babies to people who aren’t prepared to have them or can’t take care of them properly and deny them to the people who would be great parents. It’s fun to watch the exasperation of someone when facing a baby who is being neglected. I like to wait just until people have given up all hope to grant them this wish they’ve wished for so long. Especially Misty and Michael, I won’t give them a baby until all hope has been lost, until they don’t want to get out of bed, until they can’t bear to see anything about babies. I live to cause trouble, to twist people up in my web of sadness.

The conflict of trying to conceive is a tough battle for women everywhere. Something they struggle with on the deepest of levels, this is something their bodies were made to do and they can’t seem to do it right. Women will go to all sorts of lengths to try to get that ever wanted positive pregnancy test. They will do all sorts of extremely out there things. The current trend is eating the core of a pineapple every day. It might actually work, who knows? But women everywhere that are trying to conceive find it necessary to run to the store and buy pineapple on the chance that it might actually work. This struggle is very real, women can become extremely depressed because of this. 

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