Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Using a Personal Dictionary

While taking a leisurely, cool drive around Crimea, Hubert looked up to the sky to see a storm brewing. He was on his way to his friend Philip’s house to help Philip with his bullshit math homework. Hubert turned down Roubideaux Street to get to Philip’s house. He got out of his kick ass car, a white Nissan Versa to walk through the crazy path of Palm Trees that lined Philip’s sidewalk. Philip greeted Hubert, “Hey dude, palalalala.” This was their way of greeting each other. Philip’s Pekinese dog, Turkey, trotted over to greet Hubert. Hubert was quite the bumbnerd which was why he was helping Philip with his difficult homework.
“How much homework do you have to do, ya dingus?” Hubert asked.
“Literally a freaking ton.” Philip replied.                     
“Pazuzu. Really? That sucks” said Hubert.
“Yeah my math teacher has a real passion for my making my life as hard as a horcrux.” Whined Philip.
Hubert and Philip shushed up and started working. The math homework was as weird and random as a jellyfish.
As the finished up, Hubert stretched out his arms and said, “Sweetness, we’re done. We are some real legit homework crushers!”
“Yeah that totally rocked!” said Philip.
Hubert asked Philip if he had any more homework.
Philip said, “eheheh, I have another assignment about osmosis, I could use some help with.”

“Yay” said Hubert as he pumped his fist in the air.

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